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        1. Welcome to Dezhou Hongxin Machine Tool Co., Ltd.!
          Tel.:0534-8122876 中文版
          Current Position:Home > Products Center
          • T2150 Deep hole boring machine(Can be designed and produced according to customer requirements)
          • TK2180 Heavy deep hole boring machine
          • TK21100 0Heavy deep hole boring machine(Can be designed and produced according to customer requirements)
          • T2250 Heavy deep hole boring machine
          • Deep hole machine tool
          • Deep hole drilling and boring machine t2150 (spot sale)
          123456>>Next pageLast page
          • Address:Deep Hole Industrial Base of Dezhou South Economic Development Zone
          • Tel:0534-8122876
          • Fax:0534-8122877
          • Mobile:15166950796
          • Email:hongxinjichuang@163.com
          • URL:Http://www.xinfadiscm.com/

          © www.xinfadiscm.com Deep hole drilling and boring machine,Deep hole trampoline,Deep hole honing machine,CNC deep hole gun drill

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